Welcome to the Money Circuit

Sep 5th 2020, by Jamie Vaughn

We'll be discussing the Monetary system and various economic concepts including Monetary Circuitism and Modern Monetary Theory.

Welcome to the money circuit blog.

This blog will publish and curate quality posts about heterodox economics topics, especially Modern Monetary Theory and Monetary Circuit Theory.

It will also periodically publish summaries of journal articles that form the foundational academic literature of those to previously mentioned disciplines.

Conversations on these topics are sorely needed in the economics community because the economic mainstream (especially Neokeynesianism) is unfortunately stuck in outdated methodology and foundational assumptions which do not hold up against empirical evidence anymore (if they ever did...). In partifular, modeling methods using DSGE models and monetary flow of funds assumptions will be scrutinized for their inconsistencies with operational realities of the monetary system in countries with a sovereign currency issuer, such as the USA and others.

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Jamie Vaughn

Jamie is a staff writer and beat journalist.
